Monday, May 26, 2008

Cental Java

Central Java is located exactly in the center of Java Island. It borders with West Java Province in the western part, while in the eastern part borders with East Java Province. On the part of the southern side lies also the province of Yogyakarta Special Region.The low land plains are found alongside the northern beaches.
The high land plains are found in the Center of Central Java with mountains stretching lengthwise from the west to the east with a line of mountains, such as Slamet Mount (3,428 m), Perahu Mount (2,585 m), Sindoro Mount (3,135 m) Sumbing Mount (3,321 m), Merapi Mount (3,142 m), Ungaran Mount ( 2,050 m) and near the border with East Java Province is Mount Lawu (3,265 m) , while on the northern side there is Muria Mount (1,602 m). At the feet of these mountains will find a pleasant and cool highland plains with beautiful panoramas such as Baturaden, the Dieng Plateau, Bandungan, Kopeng, Tawangmangu, Colo, etc. apart from these mountains there are some small mountains and lime mountains.The Biggest Rivers found in the Central Java are Serayu River, with its source from the Dieng Plateau and the "Bengawan Solo" River.

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